DSP in receiving systems
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November 30th 04, 07:49 AM
Posts: n/a
oUsama (Yuri Blanarovich) wrote:
The other effect is some loss of inteligibility on weak signals. My friend
OK2RZ who started to use TS870 immediately complained about the inteligibility
as compared to straight analog RX.
I would guess your friend is complaining about the TS870 DSP when used in the
phone modes. I don't use the phone modes, but have tried it there and would
agree it seems to make little improvement. However I do use the TS870
exclusively on CW and can say that the DSP is extremely effective in that mode.
To the ear it makes a 559 signal sound like a 599 signal, and a difficult in the
mud weak signal reasonably copyable. The background noise is really reduced and
cuts way down on operator fatigue. The bad part is that the CW note is messed up
somewhat (but still easily copyable) and at speeds faster than around 35 WPM it
can not keep up and runs the notes together ruining copy. But in my situation
using a low stealth loop antenna in close proximity with computer, cable, AC
lines ect, the TS870's DSP is a lifesaver.
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