MP3 recorder
On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 10:56:11 AM UTC-5, Michael Black wrote:
On Wed, 26 Mar 2014, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
DhiaDuit wrote:
C Crane company in Fortuna ....
Many older MP3 players include a record function with an external audio input.
For example, a 3rd generation iPod touch, and some early iPhones,
Several of the no name ones I have had over the years also included it.
My Sansa Fuze can record, so above a certain level, I think they all do.
Actually, that cheap Hipstreet one I bought I think it can record off the
FM radio (but no ability to record from elsewhere).
But they tend to record as .wav's, not MP3s. That's not really a factor
since I assume the original poster just meant "record to digital" rather
than specifically MP3, and one can always transfer to a computer an
convert there. But wav's take up more space. And since electronic
storage as used in these things have a limited number of write cycles,
this isn't the thing to use for endless new recordings, then erasing.
I have two solid state audio recorders I bought at Walmart years ago. An RCA and a Sony. They 'eat batteries'. Best to use rechargable batteries for those.