Sorry, but I would have to disagree.
I gave away a lot of that stuff 25 years ago..
At the hamfests - no one even wants to bother with it anymore.
The core people that did that kind of stuff is either dying or dead in my area of the country.
One of the last collectors I remember was a guy that wrote articles in QST Magazine - and he is either sick or dead, his column was dropped suddenly a couple of months ago.
These kids today are into computers and things that are high tech..
They don't want to be bothered listening to AM radios or watching black n white movies.
Even the collector car market has taken a sudden drop in attendance due to the fact that people do not have money anymore the way they did 10 or 20 years ago and the kids are not interested in cars anymore.
Some kids don't even want to learn how to drive...
The world is changing..
I have a old Tube Knight Kit C-560 CB radio that had a tuneable VFO that was crystal controlled that made an excellent QRP rig.
When the local ham radio club had a oldies night and one guy brought his tube tester I caught so much grief from the club members that were cruel with their comments because it was a CB radio that I took it home and never did get the thing to run.
Quad County Amateur Radio club is full of jackk off's.. A bunch of dick's...
Unless it says ICOM on it - it isn't any good to those kinds of people.
I'm probably the only one smart enough to know that ICOM stuff is JUNK!