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Old May 26th 14, 04:10 AM posted to
Chester Copperpot Chester Copperpot is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 17
Default SC Model 84 chassis front.jpg

On 26 May 2014 00:02:18 GMT, Jim Mueller wrote:

On Sun, 25 May 2014 07:03:56 -0700, Chester Copperpot wrote:

1935 Stromberg Carlson Model 84 floor model. I have had this for years
but just yesterday I removed the chassis for the first time. It was
stuck on the large rubber mounts and I had to saw them off with a long
kitchen knife to get it out.
I heard it was serviced in the early 80's and saw where 3 electrolytics
were replaced. The repair guy removed the original chassis mount caps
from the top. There was really no reason to do that except maybe to make
a little more room or to show the customer that they actually did

In 1935 the electrolytics were probably the wet type. These sometimes
leak and the chemicals corrode everything around them. Perhaps they were
removed to prevent this.

Come to think of it, I did see some corrosion on the large candohm
resistor - which was sitting under where those cans were mounted.