Jerry Stuckle wrote:
On 5/25/2014 12:03 PM, wrote:
gareth wrote:
wrote in message
CD-1 Color Bar and Dot Generator
The one item in your list that no longer has any use!
I've got one of those, but not Heathkit, and PAL not NTSC
Closed Circuit TV is still mostly analog.
That's changing. We install much more digital (IP-based) systems than
analog, nowadays, including updating old analog systems.
Analog is still out there - but as the price of digital cameras comes
down, analog is fading.
Yes, new systems are predominantly digital, however there is a HUGE
installed base of analog no one is going to replace just because, though
some are replacing the recording/viewing portion with digitizers.
If you have to dig up and replace miles of cable to have digital cameras,
the cameras are likely to stay analog for a long time.
Jim Pennino