While a transmitter looking into an impedence mismatch can be a problem,
transforming the impedence the transmitter sees satisfies the transmitter
and has no effect on antenna SWR. Everybody's happy, nothing changes as far
as SWR.
An interesting exercise, compare an antenna cut so that is 1:1, change it so
that the SWR is now 3:1 and tell me what difference one would observe at the
receiving end.
You may use a tuner to match the transmitter to the newly adjusted antenna.
"Jerry Bransford" wrote in message
"w4jle" W4JLE(remove this to wrote in message
... I have never, ever, understood
preoccupation with SWR. I am guessing it
comes from the CB world where getting one's "SWR's down" was the holy
When running low power, like CB'rs and QRP operators do, I can easily
understand the "preoccupation" with SWR. And when I used to run vacuum
transmitters in the USAF, SWR was important then too... high SWR levels
not good for the finals.
Jerry Bransford
To email, remove 'me' from my email address
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