Thread: Making a rotor.
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Old December 22nd 04, 07:20 PM
john graesser
Posts: n/a

"John Walton" wrote in message
when I first started as a ham (in the early 1960's) people used

motors for their antennae -- I don't know if Fair Radio has them

anymore --
they were a regular item at the Dayton Hamfest way back then.

I just sold a CDR rotor (with controller) on EBay a few months ago.

And at the other extreme, when I was first a ham in the mid 90's, I used a
tv rotator on a push up pole rotating a 3 element 2m yagi and a 40 m dipole
made with 2 40 m mobile whips. It all depends on the antenna array you
intend to move and what the winds are going to be like.
thanks, John.