replacing rg 213 with hardline
El 27-06-14 18:30, Ralph Mowery escribió:
wrote in message
One ham said when he did he could tell the differance. I just don't see
that going from about .4 db or less of loss to .15 db of loss on 80
is going to be noticed.
But what when he was working on 70 centimeters instead of 80 meters?
Then it would be a large difference.
I should have made it clear that this is for 80 meters only, no higher band.
Also he did not say what kind of differance he noticed, just that he did.
Most of my work is 2 meters and higher and good transmission there is a
must. I just don't have the operating time on the low bands to know if that
extra .2 db would make any diffreance there. That is 2/10 of a db.
Variation in propagation conditions at HF are in the tens of dB's
(depending on wave and particle radiation from our sun). So you will
never notice 0.2 dB.
Besides the VSWR issue, I can only think of special
applications/situations where screening is of prime importance. For
this case, screening is the only big difference between RG213 and
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