On Thu, 24 Jul 2014 00:31:38 -0400, Michael Black wrote:
On Wed, 23 Jul 2014, Tim Wescott wrote:
On Thu, 24 Jul 2014 08:16:30 +1000, Barry OGrady wrote:
On Mon, 02 Dec 2013 12:58:56 -0600, Tim Wescott
It's winter, and the amplifier in my PC speakers just died.
I think it'd be kinda cool to have a toob speaker amp, but I'm too
lazy (and time-challenged) to build one up from scratch.
Are there, by any chance, kits out there? I'm not looking for
nickel- cored transformers with solid silver windings, genuine paper
caps rolled on the thighs of virgins, toobs dipped in LN2, and all
that crap: I'm just looking for something that'll give the audio
quality of a mid-range amplified speaker set, in a cabinet that shows
off the fact that it all uses ancient technology to get the job done.
Suggestions welcome.
Is toob a brand name? What sort of amps does toob make?
Someone should start a retro amplifier company and call it "Toob".
Really. Someone who loves vacuum tube amps, but doesn't suffer much
from audiophoolery.
Someone came out with a book a year or two ago, where he came up with
some different name for "tube", almost as if a new hip name would make
tubes trendy again.
Vacuum-mode field effect transistor?
I had a prof that referred to them as "GlassFETs".
Tim Wescott
Control system and signal processing consulting