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  #16   Report Post  
Old December 23rd 03, 11:23 PM
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That is pure nonsense! The tuner is only an impedence matching device. It
has NO effect on SWR.

Have you ever run mobile? Did you tune for best SWR, or best field strength?
Did they occur at the same tuning points?

If you said SWR, back to Ch 19 and co-phased antennas.

"Jerry Bransford" wrote in message
"w4jle" W4JLE(remove this to wrote in message
While a transmitter looking into an impedence mismatch can be a problem,
transforming the impedence the transmitter sees satisfies the

and has no effect on antenna SWR. Everybody's happy, nothing changes as

as SWR.

Now you're changing things by adding a tuner... the net effect is that the
transmitter is now seeing a 1:1 swr. All we talked about was your

there was a preoccupation with SWR... if there was no problem with a high
swr, then there's no need for the tuner you just inserted into your

There is and always will be a need to present the transmitter with the
lowest possible SWR, regardless of if it is accomplished with a well-tuned
antenna or if that is not possible, inserting an antenna tuner between the
transmitter and antenna. So you can't get away from a "preoccupation"

SWR no matter what you like to think.

Jerry Bransford
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