Google Street View
Since I'm winding up the month with a tad of surplus bandwidth I did
some more Street View touring.
South Africa has decent coverage. Interesting to see the huge prefab
black housing tracts around the urban areas. Went to one little
off-the-beaten-path town on the coast (Port St. John) and it looks
identical to rural towns in Jamaica.
What I keep seeing about the World is how much it has changed since we
were kids. I keep expecting to see quaint villages in the far-fetched
areas but now they all look like most modern cities differing only in
size. Hell, you find more old-time quaintness in rural Kansas than you
do in rural Ireland. Everybody everywhere is talking on cellphones!
That was the only place in Africa that I could find that had Street View
coverage. I wish Latin America had more. All I've found is the border
towns of Mexico.