Jack, I guess all the manufacturers that sell "antenna tuners" are totally
wrong about what it is they're manufacturing and selling.
They'll thank you for correcting them...
Jerry, that was an impressive list of tuners. But did you note that not all
of them were listed as "Antenna Tuners". Some of them were designed to sit in
the shack next to the rig. These tune the antenna plus the transmission line
system as a whole. They don't get the SWR's down, SWR remains the same on the
antenna system.
Others on the list can be mounted right at the antenna, and fed with 50 ohm
coax. They get the SWR's down on the transmission line because the 50 ohm coax
sees a Zo match.
Others on that list can be placed in the shack or at the antenna. The
function is to transform whatever impedance the tuner sees to 50 ohms. Tuner
in the shack, no SWR change, at antenna, yes. So, "Antenna Tuner", what's in a
73 Gary N4AST