Running Swan at low power
Channel Jumper wrote:
Thats the worst advice I have ever heard.
The fuse is there to protect the radio.
INcreaSiNG THE fuse size only creates more problems.
The capacitors are there for a purpose also.
OK so far.
When resurrecting old radios it is very important to bring the power up
slowly with a Variac.
Because you did not do that, you are screwed.
The vaiac is a good idea, but not essential.
I doubt if just putting fuses into it, along with capacitors is going to
solve the problem.
Old capacitors are just about the only thing that go bad from sitting.
A tube can get gassy while sitting, but it isn't common nor hard to determine.
Swans were a POS even when they were new.
Most people think they were pretty good for their time.
Your best bet is to shine it up real nice and use it as a conversation
I was wondering when you would go off the deep end...
Jim Pennino