Wild solar / HF conditions
RF Collins wrote in
G1 geo-magnetic storm. However, the biggest thing today is the very
long duration M class solar event. The magnetic flux index has spent
over 3 hours in the M range. I tuned to 10 meters just before sunset
and heard a Japanese station very well. Longest M class event I have
seen. Waiting for NASA analysis / report.
DX Ace. Here it is. Use the University of Twente SDR and tune to 6120
kHz at 2300 UT sign on and the station is PBS Xinjiang in Urumqi and
they play the "East is Red" interval signal.It is loud and clear on
this frequency on the radio in Holland.
Jim (MI)
BTW I tuned to 6120 kHz on the home radio and could just hear the station.
There is a strong religious broadcaster nearby on this freq. Did not try 7260 today.
Anyway, any of the PBS Xinjiang / Urumqi transmitters that start at 2300UT
should have it. The language listed for 6120 is Uighur and the 7260 I heard
the first time shows Chinese for the language.They play a tone for 5 minutes
before the hour, time pips on hour, then the interval signal. Good luck.