"Phil Kane" wrote in message
Interesting news that Tim G4VXE picked is that both Wouxun and TYT will be
offering a version of their quad-band mobiles which will include 70MHz (
How long will it be until those radios start to show up in the US?
Because they do not comply with FCC specs, importing them into the US
even for individual use has a nasty name - "smuggling".
73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
I have always been puzzled at the laws of the FCC and ham radio. I know I
can put together anything for a transmitter that stays within the part 97
for the transmitted signal. I can convert anything and put it on the ham
bands. Say I order from China any of the comercial rigs such as that quad
band that has the 70 MHz band in it would that make me a 'smuggler' if I
only used it in the ham bands ? Are there any real specs from the FCC
for comercal ham transmitters ? Maybe the harmonics and bandwidth ?
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