On 11/27/2014 10:17 AM, Ross Archer wrote:
Curious what people are doing primarily. Are you focused on DX?
Program listening? Obtaining QSLs? Listening to pirates?
Utilities? Ham radio?
With the world market filled with good cheap shortwave receivers,
any ideas how to persuade good content to expand or start? Some
one-off like Radio Nikkei thing perhaps?
Listening to Radio Australia on 12065 Khz at the moment (1510),
good signal: 45444. Antenna: indoor 25 foot loop, receiver:
Tecsun PL-660.
Some of the things I'm doing, with recordings:
1) Sometimes transmitting and often listening to those who are
experimenting with high quality audio on SSB (called eSSB for
Enhanced Single Sideband). Examples:
2) Experimenting with AM mode on the amateur bands. Examples:
3) Discussing current events and ideas on amateur radio's Liberty
Net and Survival Net:
http://liberty.3950.net/TheSurvivalN...rceN 2IRJ.mp3
4) Listening to DRM broadcasts -- including the BBC, Nigeria,
Romania, and others. Haven't made any recordings, though.
5) A fair amount of plain old HF broadcast listening, including
Havana, Germany, RAE, Vatican Radio, and many others, plus the
occasional pirate.
6) I don't know that this counts since it's not shortwave, but I've
also been exploring longwave with my Racal; hearing many DGPS
navigation stations, non-directional beacons, mystery signals, WWVB
on 60 kHz, teletype from Puerto Rico on 40.8 kHz, and from Maine on
24 kHz.
73 and all the best,
Kevin, WB4AIO.