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Old September 5th 03, 10:55 PM
Posts: n/a

John Kimball wrote:

On 4 Sep 2003 04:08:33 -0700 (theVoid) wrote in
Message id: :

(LeModernCaveman) wrote in message ...
1. You never denied you were posting the anonymous posts when I
mentioned it a week ago. We all know that you -always- publically deny
false allegations.

You know I as pretty sure it wasn't ray until he fell into the old
"shill" accusations, and oddly ray is noticeably silent in the threads
where the anon poster is spewing his crap.

Wasn't me who posted that stuff.

Tell you what, Ray.

Publically deny that you didn't post the message with a message id of
r, and I'll believe

Believe what you want, but it's Roger Wiseman from West Virginia. I'd
recognize his M.O. anywhere.

Actually Roger and Ray are a lot alike in many ways. It is easy to
understand how someone with no knowledge of Roger would mistake the two.

"No, he was black Mickey's BITCH for his entire stay.
Unfortunately, I've never ben in prison."
Roger Wiseman discovers that he missed his calling in
life when discussing prison sex in message-ID: