There is something wrong with the shortwave bands.
On Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 5:06:54 AM UTC-6, WWV inc. wrote:
Look at the shortwave spectrums of the last years. The 2012 peak didn't come
The constant bad conditions on the 80 mtr, 49 mtr and 41 mtr bands are caused by the
absense of the ionosphere. Because there are no sunspots anymore. The so-called sunspotcounts
are false. What it means ? A protective layer around the earth is gone. And worse the magnetic
layer is also very weakoned ! What it means ? All kind of radiations will reach the earth now
and cause all kinds of DNA defects. Both in humans and in virusses !
Look for "the sun is dead" in Google. Don't let any shill here tell you otherwise.
Maybe some solarflares give some conditions but not the sunspots.
Now the shills can put on their tinfoil hats !
All about the planet, there are rubber rooms waiting with your
name stenciled on the doors . :|