Yaesu FT-991 AM transmission defective
My initial testing on an FT-991 I bought Tuesday indictaes AM
transmission is severely distorted. I tried everything in the manual
that seemed relevant to AM transmission without any improvement.
Transmitting into a Cobra Senior perfectly matched with a Nye Viking MBII
on 3885 showed pronounced downward modulation even on a peak reading
MFJ 870 meter. Normally a peak reading watt meter will show strong upward
movement as the peak power is 4 times carrier power.
I called Yaesu tech support. The tech was not aware of any prolbems with
AM on the 991. He suggested I reset the processor.
After the processor reset returned the 991 to its factory defaults, the
3885 morning crowd confirmed the transmitted signal was still terrible.
I have been able to get good results transmitting AM with many oher
radios including IC706mkiiG, 756Pro, and FlexRadio 5000a.
A quick check on 2 meters showed the same profound downward modulation
on the FT-991.
Anyone having better luck with AM on the FT-991?
-de WA7KGX