In article ,
wa7kgx wrote:
The air checks are available at
For some reason I couldn't post the sound files to the newsgroup with PAN.
Some news servers do not accept files.
I saw your comments on the eHam net forum.
I have a list of several problems with my FT-991, including the
defective AM. There are some things I like about the radio, so I prefer
to get it repaired rather than getting a refund.
The reason AM power is set to 25 Watts, is that the radio is only
capable of 100 Watts. One hundred Watts is the peak power of a 100
percent modulated 25 Watt AM signal. The FT-991 Po meter should kick
from 25 Watts to nearly 100 watts on voice peaks. Mine kicks downward
If you can not get a refund, I suggest you also take the "repair"
approach. There is no reason the radio should not produce an acceptable
AM signal. It almost certainly is misaligned, and can be corrected. If
Yaesu can not correct the problem by alignment, then they should replace
the defective module.
With regard to your other comment about listening to a repeater's input
frequency, you can easily do that with the REV function. You will
notice that it changes the memory contents, so you must press the REV a
second time to return to normal frequencies.
That is one of my minor gripes about the radio, that some functions
directly affect memory, rather than a "working copy" of the memory.