No CATT codes for FT-991
In article ,
wa7kgx wrote:
The FT-991 CAT codes are similar to those of the FT-950.
Close but no cigar. For instance, the FT-991 FA command resuires an
extra digit needed to express frequencies above 99 MHz.
I suspect clone commands are not in the 991's future.
It should be possible tostore and retrieve the memory locations
individually. Shouldn't take too long as there are only a hundred or so.
I spoke to RT Systems at the Orlando Hamfest a couple weeks ago, before
the CAT codes were published. They had already begun to study the
FT-991, and had figured out some of the codes. They thought programming
may be possible, but they did not think they could access or enter
custom channel names.
I understand Yaesu does not provide much software for their radios, but
depends on other companies. You would think that would be enough
incentive for them to include any CAT or Clone commands needed.
I also talked to Yaesu at the Hamfest, and told them of my problems with
the FT-991. The are apparently working hard to fix them, and mentioned
that they knew of some that were not on my list!
At least a couple of the problems I noticed were fixed by the recent
firmware update, and radio operation seems to be a little more stable
than before.