Low Power SWR Meter for 2.3ghz and above?
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December 29th 03, 07:49 AM
Tom Bruhns
Posts: n/a
(Robert) wrote in message . com...
Ok I looked through the Agilent website and found what I think is the
proper diode. An HSMS-2852 two diode in series pack 3 pin surface
mount. However I noticed that the specs say it is best below 1.5ghz
and recomends the HSMS-282X Series for below 4ghz and above -20dBm.
In either case I can't find a place to purchase any of them in
quantities of less than 100. I can't seem to cross reference them to
anything that digikey carries. Quantities of 10 or 20 wouldn't be bad
but 100 at $.90/per is a little much.
Yeah, that's a problem, I admit! :-) I generally just get samples of
small quantities. Tam posted another site to check out. And I'd
expect that Philips and some others have some decent GHz
detector-style Schottky diodes. You should be able to find some
vendor willing to sell you just a few of some appropriate diode. If
you have a way to check the response (a generator with calibrated
level, or even just step attenuators after a relatively uncalibrated
generator), you should be able to use diodes not necessarily optimal
for 2.5GHz, for a ratiometric application like SWR detection. By the
way, I think Agilent has one or more detector diode application notes
on their web site; they are in the data book anyway. They are worth
having a look at. Also, I'm not sure why you need two diodes...a
single diode should do the trick nicely. If that works for you, I
might be able to spare a couple HSMS-2850's, but I'd have to check how
many I have left.
I also found these other possibilities
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