WARNING, any deviation you choose to make from Rohn specs is at your own
My Rohn 25 is 30 feet, with a 10 foot mast that sticks out of the top by 5
feet. The rotator is inside the tower at the lower end of the mast. A 2
element 5 band Quad (13 foot arms) is at the 34 foot level, and a 2meter
discone is at the 36 foot level. I used to have a TA33JR at the 35 foot
level, before I switched to the Quad.
I can find no place where Rohn authorizes these kind of loads more than 10
feet above the top guys.
I have NO base under my tower. There is about 3 inches of air between my
tower legs and the ground, with the only connection being a set of heavy
ground wires going to a driven ground rod.
I have an "owner designed and constructed" bracket which is bolted through
the garage foundation wall. It took me about an hour to drill
the two 1/2 inch holes through the foundation wall using a 1/2 inch
"consumer" hammer drill. A commercial hammer drill would have done the job
in much less time. Making the (welded) brackets from scrap steel took me
about 30 minutes. (Digging a hole is much more work.)
At the 13 foot level I have a house bracket, which is tied back to the ridge
pole as well as 2 other points of the garage roof, on the INSIDE of the
If my tower falls it will strike a nieghbors garage, NOT his living
quarters. There are NO above ground Power lines in my Nieghborhood.
I climb the tower to install antennas as it does not tilt over.
This arrangement has survived more than one storm with 70 mph winds that
have taken out trees in the area.
The most serious problem I have is that I have to keep cutting the trees to
keep them out of the quad.
"W5GT" wrote in message
Can a Rohn 25G be safely self-supporting at ~ 40' with a house bracket at
15', or must it be guyed? The beam will be a 10 lb. Mosley 3el mini-beam
with only 2.5 sq ft of wind surface area.
Is a concrete base essential under these circumstances? I'm planning on
erecting one in the spring and want to plan properly, but don't have much
room for guy wires unless it's unsafe not to use them.
Thanks & 73s
Dave - W5GT