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Old September 26th 03, 01:37 AM
Lloyd Davies Tub O Lard
Posts: n/a

Subject: More lies from Christy D, fake "Attorney at Law"
From: (Llgpt)
Date: 9/24/2003 7:13 PM Central Daylight Time

From: Stephen M.H. Lawrence )
Subject: Ping Mr. Davies

View this article only
Date: 2003-07-27 08:29:18 PST

An attorney? Surely you know that misrepresenting
oneself as an attorney is a felony? If you *are* indeed
an attorney, what is your name, and what is your address?


Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, MN

"Christy D" wrote in message
On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 07:28:48 -0400, helmsman

Sounds like a threat. If I were him I would call the feds if I got 1
call and have them check you and them out as a possible terrorist.

That is a really uninformed statement. As an attorney, I can tell you
that no threat to exercise your rights, either in a court of law, or
in the form of a complaint to action groups, is legally actionable.

The individuals in question have made a career out of harassing and
libeling my client. I even had a law suit prepared against one of
them, when my client decided that he "didn't want to make trouble" and
instructed me not to file.

(And by the way: Don't think that you can't be held accountable for
_your_ posts. Mindspring will release your true identity in a heart
beat. All it takes is a John Doe subpoena.)

Christy D.

Belly laughing...............christy d has lot's of posts on the usenets
he/she claims to be an attorney.

I would bet the Attorney general would be interested in you posing as an
Attorney at Law wouldn't he Counselor?

The proper authorities will be contacted at the open of business tomorrow,
can be assured of that. Unlike you, I don't lie or play games.

Bye, Bye, fake attorney.


Ok, i admit it, she is fake! Now please leave me alone. You people seem
obssesed with me. I should be able to post wherevver I want with out

Lloyd Davies Tub O' Lard
30 Year Old Virgin
Lambda Vice President
Hams are Homos, Inc.
Internet Punching bag