antenna connected to ground
Jim Mueller wrote:
On Mon, 14 Sep 2015 21:09:57 +0000, kurt stocklmeir wrote:
I think when an antenna has the wrong size it helps to connect the
antenna to the ground and this helps to make the size right -
I think the ground helps to this more flexible
I guess when an antenna is small a lot of charge can get around 1 end
and can be bad
I do not know why a big antenna would have a lot of trouble
people talk about adding capacitors and coils to an antenna to decrease
resistance when it has the wrong size - I would like to know how a coil
would change length like a coil may change speed of electrons as they
move toward 1 end
thank you for any answers
Kurt Stocklmeir
From the way your post is worded, it sounds like you have been reading
web sites put up by various kooks who say they are experts but really
don't know anything.
Gareth Alun Evans G4SDW has a website?
STC // M0TEY //