Another brand new FT-991 with poor AM transmitted audio
In article ,
N4RCC - Richard wrote:
Sounds like the best thing I can do is try to send it back to the dealer for
a refund..
I think the FT-991 has "redeeming qualities" that make it worthwhile to
keep. For Yaesu's Fusion, it is more expensive than the FTM-100/400 or
FT-1, but they can not be used on Ten or Six Meters*, and do not have
SSB or CW capability. Recent FT-991 firmware updates have added some
new features including the ability to control a WIRES-X node.
*Yaesu's Fusion digital system has too wide a bandwidth for legal
operation below 29 MHz. Frequencies of 29.460 and 51.160 are often used
for simplex Fusion contacts when the bands are open.
But if AM operation is that important to you, returning it now may be
your best recourse. Before you do, you might call Yaesu and ask them
directly if the AM operation will be fixed soon. Try (800) 253-1498 for
Technical Support or (800) 426-7983 for Customer Service. They are on
the West Coast, so call 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific time.