Panoramic Receiver
philo wrote:
Thanks for the great explanation! As "analogdial" pointed out, it's
actually an S 36 I did not examine the photos carefully enough
The S-36 has a panadaptor connection on the back of the chassis.
Altough I don't think it was often used.
It's a mediocre radio by today's standards. Not particularly sensitive
and the narrow bandwidth is way too wide for just one AM channel. The
wide bandwidth is a bit too narrow for fully modulated broadcast FM but
it wasn't too bad back in the day when some FMers broadcast with SCA.
Worked well for TV FM audio. The audio was very good.
I tried stagger tuning the IF transformers for wider bandwidth but that
hurt the sensitivity on wide and nearly killed it on narrow.
The damn thing was built to last. There's only one
paper capacitor, in the power supply filter. 8 ufd of
paper in a sealed steel can, if i recall. It's huge. I checked mine
for leakage and it was still no worse than an equivelant electrolytic,
so I left it alone. There's also one electrolytic (also in steel, looks
like an oil and paper, mine was no good) for the cathode bypass in the
audio amp. Everything else is silver mica. The resistors checked out
100%. Didn't look like any under chassis work had ever been
done on the radio. Amazing.
It has a really nice zero backlash gear drive. Probably the nicest
thing about the radio.