On Thu, 01 Jan 2004 16:23:57 GMT, "KØHB"
Experience tells me there is something missing from their
explanations. For those who do much climbing the hazards, or at least
some of them associated with staying in the same position are known.
At my age I still do a fair amount of tower climbing. A typical tower
climb is 3 to 4 hours with no few running up to 6 or 7. The longest
have been on the order of 8 to 9 hours. The longest in the last two
years was between 6 and 7 hours.
I always use a "tag line". which they refer to as an arresting
harness. Actually it's a double line with two clips and they are only
a bit over 3 feet long. So, if I slip I won't fall far, but it's gonna
hurt! It does not get in the way of work. It can be clipped to the
side, or in front but attaches to the D rings on the belt. A simple
"tag line" makes climbing safer and easier. Even a simple one
properly attached does not have to get in the way.
I do not believe in the harnesses I see advertized and I do not
believe in using Nylon harness or safety belts. Although we used them
where I used to work, we considered them disposable with a very short
"As I recall" we replaced them every 8 months. Remember, Nylon does
not stand up well in direct sunlight.
I avoid the harnesses as I particularly do not want my legs hanging
or something that will encourage a situation where I can work with
them hanging. Sure they are comfortable, but I stand! If the work is
too strenuous to stand it should be done in some other manner. If the
climber can not keep his or her weight on their feet for the duration
of the climb they should not be climbing in those situations.
I wear a Kline, free floating leather belt which is 5 inches wide. The
belt itself is of double neoprene impregnated nylon monofilament. I
have it inspected regularly. The pole strap is of the same material
and easily extends to go around a tower 2 foot on a side, yet works
just fine on a small TV tower. I knew I'd be using the belt a lot so
I purchased the same type as used by the line and tower crews. I do
see that they are migrating tot he harnesses probably due as much to
OSHA as any other reason. Who knows, ,maybe after this study they
will be moving away from them, but they are active and rarely remain
in one position for long, so I don't see this as a hazard they would
be exposed to very often.
On one job a few years ago, they came up short on some parts. So I
slid into the tower, got comfortable and waited about an hour and a
half. The temperature was well over 90F. I was in a vertical
position, it was hot, and I did very little moving. I wore a wide
brimmed hat, long sleeve shirt, and work pants. (and leather gloves)
There was no problem nor was there any indication of one. OTOH I sure
was getting bored. However it was a position that required I move my
legs at regular intervals to stay comfortable.
"I think", although I disagree with their wording, they are referring
to a "motionless" upright position. I also believe that although the
bent knees at "parade rest" *might* help, it's the movement of the leg
muscles that forces the blood out, not just using the muscles to
support the weight. Those legs have to *move* to keep the blood from
One thing I did not see them mention, or I missed it, is the greater
likely hood of developing blood clots in the legs when they are
motionless or just hanging for long periods. Hanging is far worse than
standing on rigid, straight legs.
I would reiterate that any one who feels they need to use a harness
of the type in which you can sit to make life easier on a tower should
not be climbing at least for nothing more than a very short job, but
not the ones that take over half an hour. OTOH there is nothing wrong
with wearing one for convenience if handled properly. Tower climbing
requires the climber to be in good physical shape, not just for the
climbing, but for safety and health reasons.
If the climber is over weight, out of shape, not feeling good, or
feels they need additional support to be able to do the job, they
should stay on the ground. It is not something that should be taken
One of the greatest hazards has been the unknowing staying "up there"
too long and then being too tired to climb down. On rare occasion some
one will climb up a ways and suddenly discover that "This is not for
me!" Going up a tower and then helping someone climb down one hand
or foot at a time is a rather unique and tiring experience. (and it
takes a very long time) At least he didn't go up to 200 feet before
looking down. :-))
Roger Halstead (K8RI & ARRL life member)
(N833R, S# CD-2 Worlds oldest Debonair)