Amateur OR Ham Radio - Google News
ISS ham radio stations shutdown for EVA - Southgate Amateur Radio Club
Posted: 14 Jan 2016 01:24 AM PST
ISS ham radio stations shutdown for EVA
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
The EVA is expected to begin at 12:55 UT January 15 and last six hours. All
amateur radio equipment on the ISS is being powered down on January 15 at
about 07:40 UT. Power-up is expected to take place on January 16 at 15:15
UT. As a result of the EVA ...
Ham radio to the rescue - Nepali times
Posted: 14 Jan 2016 06:11 PM PST,2816
Nepali times
Ham radio to the rescue
Nepali times
As phone lines were jammed and the internet went down in Nepal after last
Aprils earthquake, the only way Manju Sunar could find out if her daughter
was safe was to ask an amateur radio operator in France, where she worked,
to contact another radio ...