RFD away?
On 1/26/2016 12:25 PM, Brian Reay wrote:
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
On 1/26/2016 7:53 AM, Brian Reay wrote:
Michael Black wrote:
These three NGs seem to be largely disused these days, apart from those of
we who are trying to keep discussion about amateur radio alive on Usenet.
Time to face up to facts and to do away with them?
Don't even mention something like this.
The Overloard is part of the Big 8 management group, if I remember
properly. He'd just love to shut these down, leaving the moderated
newsgroup in place.
I doubt he needs to be disturbed. There are often some interesting threads
in the various groups. The only issue is when someone tries to start some
nonsense thread, either with some silly pseudoscience or the prime
intention of stirring up a row so he can use his quiver of abusive terms.
If he could be ignored or excluded, the environment would be improved.
Gee, I wonder who that might be. Maybe someone who isn't a *real*
amateur, and doesn't even belong in these newsgroups?
There are a couple of those who cause problems in the amateur groups.
They've no real interest in amateur radio and often plague other groups as
well. Sometimes they've been blacklisted, removed, etc.
The best thing, if you can't do any of those, is just ignore them.
Eventually they will go and try to annoy someone else. They need the
attention so it is a reliable method.
Yes, we have to ignore the sources of noise... and all the echoes.