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Old January 6th 05, 04:39 PM
Jack Painter
Posts: n/a

Can anyone tell me where I can find plans for building a great jpole
that is dual band and has a low swr?

Also, do you have to ground or use a balun with a jpole? I have seen
some plans that say you dont on their design.

I use the design found at :
Standard 1/2" copper pipe with acid-free solder, no balun, no choke, and
approximately 70' of Belden 9913 feedline. Grounded roof top mast uses #4
bare copper lightning down conductors in two directions, coax is shield
grounded at ground level, then to an I.C.E lightning surge arrestor, then to
a 25w marine vhf transceiver. The J-Pole is bench centered on 156.800 Mhz
and allows 18-23w output (at the transceiver) across the vhf-marine band.
Very experienced antenna builders on this group have explained that my
results without a balun/choke at the feedpoint is a combination of luck
concerning feedline length and operating bandwidth. Accordingly, your
results would most likely vary, but the design is a confirmed performer.

Jack Painter
Virginia Beach, Virginia