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Old January 8th 05, 09:50 PM
David G. Nagel
Posts: n/a

CW wrote:
Seems you're making progress (?) over there. Sounds totally American.

"Simon Smith" wrote in message

Well, I today decided to make a start in trying to obtain planning
permission for my new Antenna - even though the "Permitted Development
Rights" have been removed from our small Village in the middle of nowhere


Bodmin Moor in Cornwall -
First step was to fill in all four sets of application forms - the truth -
the whole truth and nothing but the truth !! Then out in the wind and rain
with a tape measure and try to measure up the length of the garden -
distance from the house to the proposed site of the Antenna - Height of


house in relation to the height of the Antenna - and then go back indoors
and start to draw it all up into a meaning full set of drawing. Four


were needed. Next step. Try to find the digital Camera and wait for the


to stop before taking a photo of the intended site. Lunch. Proceed to


photos - run out of ink. Install new print cartridge - and finally manage


get the whole lot ready for the "Council"
Proceed to Bodmin Council offices - where a nice young girl offered to


my drawings before accepting them for consideration. The first mistake I
made was in using feet and inches. "Sorry - we only take metric" So I now
have to re-do them all again. Next mistake "We Don't take them on graph
paper" Third mistake was
"We need a picture of the "Ariel" Forth mistake was: "We need the


to be to scale"
Did Marconi have all this trouble with the "Council" ?
Here I am - now trying to re-do everything - to some sort of Scale. Wife
moaning - Kids Moaning - cat climbing over all the drawings - Dog waiting


be walked..... TV blaring out .... Ohhh happy days .... I think I am going
Crazy..... Beam me up Scottie........
To be Continued.........
John M3IIV


Remember that they are the government and are only here to help you!!!!