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Old November 29th 16, 04:29 AM posted to,
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Default [RAC-Bulletin] Radio Amateurs of Canada Welcomes New Directors

*RAC Bulletin November 2016 | Radio Amateurs of Canada Welcomes New

Following the call for nominations for Directors of Radio Amateurs of
Canada’s Atlantic, Ontario North/East, Midwest and British Columbia
Regions, RAC would like to welcome the following Radio Amateurs to our
Board of Directors:

- Dave Goodwin, VE9CB, was elected as the new Director for the Atlantic
- Allan Munnik, VA7MP/VE7RMP, was appointed as the new Director for the
British Columbia/Yukon Region
- Bjarne (Bj) Madsen, VE5FX, was elected as the new Director for the
Midwest Region

RAC would also like to congratulate Allan Boyd, VE3AJB, on his re-election
as the Director for the Ontario North/East Region. Allan was first
appointed by the RAC Board of Directors as the Director for Ontario
North/East in January 2016 to fill the vacant position of RAC’s new
elected President Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA. In addition to serving as
Director, Allan also serves as the Section Manager for Ontario North. For
more information about Allan please visit:

All Directors will begin their two-year term on January 1, 2017 until
December 31, 2018. Biographies of each of the new Directors have been
provided below.

RAC would also like to welcome James Hay, VE2VE, as Deputy Director for the
Quebec Region. James previously served as RAC Special Advisor, Technical
and Administrative Services and was responsible for RAC’s informati
technology infrastructure. He is also the Secretary-Treasurer of the
Montreal Amateur Radio Club (VE2ARC).

Our constitution places a limit of three terms for Directors. I’d l
ike to
thank the three departing Directors – Bill Gipps, VE7ISV/VE7XS (Dir
ector of
the British Columbia/Yukon Region), Derek Hay, VE4HAY (Director of the
Midwest Region) and Ev Price, VO1DK (Director of the Atlantic Region)
completed their third term as Directors at the end of 2016. Their hard
work in the important role of Director and their contributions on various
assignments throughout their terms made major contributions to Radio
Amateurs of Canada. I am sure they will continue to contribute to Amateur
Radio in Canada in the future.

*Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA*
*RAC President and Chair*



*New RAC Director Dave Goodwin, VE9CB:*

*Dave Goodwin, VE9CB, provided the following information:*

“I was born in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1960. I came into Amate
ur Radio
through shortwave listening, starting at age 11. I earned my Amateur Radio
licence in 1975 at age 15, and earned my Advanced Certificate one year

My primary interests in Amateur Radio are DXing and contests on the HF
bands. I have held many Canadian records and I have placed among the top
scorers in many contests. I have been involved in many other aspects from
extensive public service work to VHF, UHF and microwave weak-signal
operating. My preferred mode is CW, but I also operate SSB regularly and 2
metre FM while mobile.

I have played a leadership role in local and national Amateur
organizations. I am currently the President of the Fredericton Amateur
Radio Club (FARC) and was an instructor in FARC’s most recent Basic
Certificate course. I served as RAC’s Atlantic Director from 2004 t
o 2006
and as RAC President in 2008. I managed RAC’s contests for several
and I was the author of TCA’s ‘Contest Scene’ colum
n for 20 years.

I am married to Melanie, who is extremely supportive and encouraging of my
involvement in Amateur Radio. I am the father and step-father to four adult
children. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and I hav
e been a
federal public servant for over 30 years.

I have lived in five provinces (New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Quebec,
Ontario and Alberta) and I have operated from 20 countries in North
America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. I read, write and speak English and
French fluently, and I have a limited command of Mandarin Chinese and

My grandfather, Harold Goodwin, was an Amateur and he earned his licence in
1927 in Saint John, New Brunswick. He initially held “1CB”
before there
were prefixes, then VE1CB. I am very proud to hold the contemporary
equivalent of his call sign. I also hold call signs VO1AU, VO2AAA, VE3AAQ
and US Extra class licence as W8SR.

I have been a member of RAC, or its predecessor, ever since I earned my
licence. I am a Maple Leaf Operator member of RAC and I am a life member of
the Radio Society of Great Britain, the American Radio Relay League and the
Quarter Century Wireless Association.”

*New RAC Director: Allan Munnik, VA7MP/VE7RMP*

*Allan Munnik, VA7MP/VE7RMP, provided the following information:*

“I was brought up by a father who enjoyed communication, mostly wit
h people
around the word using his CB Sideband Radio and Antennas. In the 1970s,
while working out of Prince George, British Columbia, I travelled a great
deal and talked with people all over Northern BC with my CB Sideband Mobile

In the 1980s, I lived on a 40-foot power boat and was a very active member
of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (now the Royal Canadian Marine Search
and Rescue) and communicated with other boaters and the Rescue Coordination
Centre on Vancouver Island. In the 1990s, I lived in Vernon, BC and was
active with Search and Rescue where we communicated using commercial
frequencies, and it was there that I became seriously interested in Amateur
Radio and became an Amateur. Living back in the Lower Mainland of
Vancouver, I joined the Langley Amateur Radio Association and served as its
President from 2007 to 2009 then again in 2013. I am still a Director with
the club.

In 2005, I took the Radio Communications Station Management Course with
Emergency Management BC and became a Station Manager. I spent many hours in
the Radio Room as Station Manager during the Olympics and through each fire
season. After spending eight years with the Langley Emergency Social
Services as a responder and then in their communication division, I retired
from this volunteer work but still make myself available when there is a

For the past five years, I served as the Assistant Director for the Fraser
Valley in BC and I have attended many of the swap meets on behalf of Radio
Amateurs of Canada.

My father owned a plumbing company and I was brought up playing with pipes,
fittings and controls and in 1969 I became a Journeyman Plumber. I left my
father’s company and worked in the many locations mentioned above f
or both
union and non-union companies. I came back to my family business in 1982
and eventually purchased the company. In 1997, I purchased McNicholls
Foundry & Tool Supply, a company that sold equipment to the school metal
workshops in BC. Since purchasing McNicholls I have expanded the business
to sell across Canada and around the world. I have recently retired as a
plumber but shall continue with the McNicholls side of the business.

*New RAC Director: Bjarne (Bj) Madsen, VE5FX*

*Bj Madsen, VE5FX, provided the following information:*

“I have been fascinated with radio since I was a kid on a farm in s
Saskatchewan. I built crystal radios and experimented with antennas and
DXed for broadcast stations at night. However, it took a few years before I
finally got serious and studied for and earned my Basic Amateur Operator's
Certificate in 1978, licensed as VE5ADA. At that time, we had to spend the
first year on CW only and I was immediately bitten by the DX bug and worked
DXCC that first year on CW. The following year, I acquired the Advanced
Certificate and call sign VE5FX and discovered contesting on SSB. I
continue to chase DX as there are still a couple of countries that elude
me. I also do a bit of contesting, primarily in the two RAC contests.

In the early 1980s, I took on the role of provincial Incoming QSL Manager
for VE5, originally for the Canadian Amateur Radio Federation and later, of
course, for Radio Amateurs of Canada. It was a great way to get to know the
Amateurs in VE5-land and I ran the incoming bureau for over 20 years.

With the restructuring of Amateur Radio licence requirements and the
initiation of the Accredited Examiner program in the late 1990s, I
volunteered to serve as an Examiner and have served in that capacity ever
since. Over the years, I have taught many Amateur Radio classes to young
and old alike.

When Bob Shehyn, VE5FY, held the position of RAC Midwest Director, I served
as his Assistant Director for several years. When Rick Lord, VE4OV, took
over as Midwest Director in 2000, I continued to serve as Assistant
Director and when he resigned in 2002 I was asked to fill in the position
of Midwest Director for the remainder of his term. I held that position
until the end of 2008. Last year, I began serving as Deputy Director for
Derek Hay, VE4HAY.

During my terms as Midwest Director, I initiated a study on the concept of
having a Youth Education Program (YEP), and when this was accepted by the
Board I launched the program and ran it until I gave up the Directorship in
2008. I also headed the study on the Restructuring of Amateur Radio in
Canada and led the team that did the Canada-wide survey and produced the
report for Industry Canada and the RAC Board, making recommendations for

Professionally, I began working as an Architectural and Engineering
Technologist for a few years and then went back to school to become a
Teacher. I taught public school in Weyburn, Saskatchewan for 28 years and
ran a radio club for the students for most of that time. When I retired
from teaching in 1999, my wife Kathy, VE5FL and I moved to Tisdale,
Saskatchewan where we established an acreage. While teaching, I also
operated a photography business for a few years and later worked as a
Financial Advisor, which I continue to do on a limited basis.”


*Alan GriffinRAC MarCom Director*

720 Belfast Road, #217
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z5
613-244-4367, 1- 877-273-8304