On Sun, 09 Jan 2005 14:39:12 GMT, ml wrote:
I'll be going into a park, operating from a park bench via battery
ft897d and a nice dipole strung up in the trees
wondering should i have some sort of ground to my rig or what ever while
sitting on this bench?
how would i achiee that take a copper spike and wack it into the ground
connect to rig?
Dear ml,
Not a bad idea. However, consider finding a chain link fence and tying
your ground post to one of the chain link fence posts. Do not allow
the ground wire from the rig to the earth exceed 1/12th wavelength at
your frequency of operation - otherwise you will be elevated slightly
above ground and other complications will begin to take place as you
get closer and closer to 1/4 wavelength. At 1/4 wavelength you have an
open circuit between the rig and the earth - which is real bad.
Note that even tho you are using a dipole, there will be RF coming
down the outer shield of the coax which will find its way to earth one
way or another. You prefer it not to be through the body.
Bob, W9DMK, Dahlgren, VA