Augusta Amateur Radio Association to Host WinterFest:
Posted: 24 Feb 2017 04:02 PM PST
Augusta Amateur Radio Association's 21st annual WinterFest will begin at 8
a.m. Saturday, Feb. 25, at Le Club Calumet, 334 West River Road, in
Augusta. The event will feature a radio -- and computer -- related flea
market (tables are free on a first-come, first-served basis), meetings for
the various local ham nets (Seagull, Pine Tree, Slow Speed) and ARRL
coordinated exams for all classes of amateur licenses.
New Section Manager Appointed in West Virginia:
Posted: 24 Feb 2017 08:44 AM PST
Dan Ringer, K8WV, will become West Virginia's Section Manager
starting on March 1. He has been appointed to succeed Phillip
Groves, N8SFO, who is stepping down for personal reasons after
serving since July 2015. Ringer, an attorney who lives in
Morgantown, will serve the remainder of the current term of office,
which ends on September 30.
Propagation Forecast Bulletin #8 de K7RA:
Posted: 24 Feb 2017 08:44 AM PST
At 0124 UTC on February 22 Australian Space Weather Services issued
a geomagnetic disturbance warning for February 22-24: "The effect of a high
speed solar wind stream from a recurrent
coronal hole is expected to raise geomagnetic activity to active
levels from 22 to 24 February with the possibility of minor storm
periods on 23 and 24 February. "Increased geomagnetic activity expected due
to coronal hole high
speed wind stream from 23-24 February 2017.
VK6WIA -- NewsWest, 26 February 2017:
Posted: 24 Feb 2017 08:46 AM PST
In this edition of NewsWest we bring you our
traditional segments of Foundations of
Amateur Radio and Roy's Helpline. We have
advice of the WAVHF group's meeting and the
upcoming HARGfest. A round up of Amateur
Radio snippets, activity at Ham College, some
QRP DX action and an update on DMR repeaters.
Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2052 for Friday, February 24, 2017:
Posted: 24 Feb 2017 08:46 AM PST
Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2052 for Friday, February 24, 2017 is ON THE
Foundations of Amateur Radio -- #90:
Posted: 24 Feb 2017 08:45 AM PST
A recurring theme is that in the "yea good
ol' days of yore" Amateurs got real licenses
and today anyone can get one in the back of a
cornflake box. What with the demise of Morse,
those pesky multiple-choice questions instead
of a written exam, these new Amateurs really
are not contributing to the hobby and really
should be told in no uncertain terms that
their pursuit of the hobby is meaningless
until such time as they upgrade and tug their
forelock in the process.