25988 47038 97712 25204 97468 99214 95672 29666 38339 39115 45730 29639
15330 52054 21275 37880
85064 57750 64638 16154 59872 42268 21010 71449 40923 83253 59727 29582
23511 71765 93043 15841
07850 52307 04538 08023 97415 59601 24563 27562 82325 49257 73851 14583
38945 50535 76931 54853
25045 04941 22485
wrote in message
On Thursday, February 2, 2017 at 12:05:49 PM UTC-6, D. Peter Maus wrote:
On 2/1/17 21:35 , wrote:
Libtard Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is now automatically adding state rip
thieving sales tax to online purchases. They are not required to do
so per Supreme Court ruling
Amazon just lost my patronage and I spend thousands of $$$ per year
online. Typical libtard billionaire.
The Supreme Court decision says that entities not having a physical
presence in a state does not have to collect sales tax.
Amazon now has fullfilment centers in every state. A physical presence.
So, they now have to collect sales tax for online sales.
Amazon does not have a physical presence in all 50 states. They are
simply caving into political pressure being exerted by parasite politicians.
They currently collect sales tax in 39
South Dakota has been trying to get them to open up a warehouse here for
years but Amazon told them no thanks. But they just started collecting sales
tax for South Dakota Feb. 1, 2017. The scumbag pols coerced them by
threatening law suits. Amazon doesn't want the hassle and huge legal fees so
they caved. It's political not legal.