Jim wrote:
Hooker for small vessel, 12-17 Boston Whaler etc.
Good for weekend fishermen, armatures etc
$30 + I throw in some rope and shackles.
Have some 5 x 3 polyester Jolly Rodgers to $15.ea
You've fallen prey to a common misapprehension:
the "boatanchors" in the newsgroup name has nothing to do with anchors
or with boating.
These "boatanchors" are old-timey _HEAVY_ radio receivers and
transmitters, generally but not always military surplus, commonly
viewed as being sufficient to anchor a boat, and weighing 50 to 500
ISPs sell connectivity to the world. They provide connectivity to their
own facilities. The "product" they sell depends upon the forebearance
of millions of other systems whose cooperation is REQUIRED for them to
not be fraudulently selling something they cannot provide.