Hammarlund SP-120X Problems....NEED HELP!!!!
Ok i am at my wits end on this one. To put it mildly, HELP!!!!!!!!!
This is a Hammarlund SP120X. Here's what i have done to the unit so far:
Replaced all "Mica-Mold" and Black Beauty" caps with new moderd units,
Checked all tubes and power supply voltages. The problem is the IF strip. In
order to get anything to pass through the strip, i have to inject a 465Kc
(yes its a strange IF) into the grid of the first tube at a level of 20
millivolts. Thats what i call deaf..... each stage is weaker than the first.
I tried a quickie alignment and that made a very slight improvement.
The Plate voltages are fine (about 240 volts), but the screen voltages are
waaaaay off. What should be 110 volts is more like 30 volts, regardless if a
signal is injected or not. I checked all of the surrounding components, the
caps i installed and i have come up with nothing out of the ordinary. If i
remove all 3 of the tubes in the IF area (6D6's) my screen voltage returns.
For each tube i install, the voltage drops about 20 volts. Is there a
possibility of something being shorted in the IF cans?
Thanks in advance!