Joe from Kokomo wrote:
In trump world, you can't swing a dead cat over your head without
hitting a Russian. First it was General Flynn, then Attorney General
Sessions and even trump's own son-in-law. That's old news.
On Friday (3/3) a story broke on national TV about more Russians.
Don't recall the guy's name, but he is known as the Russian "Fertilizer
King", a billionaire with his own private jet and who is a known Putin
His plane was seen at FIVE different trump rally locations around the
country and at Mara a Lago (sp?) when trump discussed the North Korean
missile in an open setting.
So, the mystery is, why is this Putin operative following trump around
the country attending many of trump's rallys?
Gee, does this mean that trump really is Putin's boy? Might explain why
trump insults *everybody* EXCEPT his BFF Putin.
On 3/4/2017 4:41 PM, analogdial wrote:
Thanks for the reference! ...verrrry interesting -- and it may go a long
way to explaining what's going on with trump and the Ruskies.
In a previous response, Kevin Alfred Strom said the following:
I am no Trump fanboy, and have written several pieces critical of him, but I have to say this Russia hysteria from the leftists and neo-liberals is pretty damned funny.
Well, I would respectfully suggest to Kevin that he read your reference
above. Then he may start to understand "this Russia hysteria" and *not*
think this is a "pretty damned funny" situation for the president of the
United States to be in.
trump -- an embarrassment to America, a danger to the world