"Ultra Kiasu" writes:
I had scoured the net for cheaper 13cm (2.3-2.6 GHz) widecoverage
receiver with fine adjustable stepping LCD controller.
So far, had only found these 2 main suppliers at http://www.13cm.co.uk
and http://www.g1mfg.com which both is UK based.
G1MFG products look good but expensive, while 13cm's were cheap but
crude (required DIY connections).
Is there cheaper alternative, or better, ready-made (minimal
construction required) which LCD controller built-in?
I believe that since the main radio components are supplied by
Taiwanese company, Comtech, there should be more similar products
around the world, or at least, "clones".
Any good recommendation?
If you're not up to hooking up a LCD controller and a receiver then
your only real option is a videosender receiver.
Chris Eilbeck
MARS Flight Crew
UKRA #1108 Level 2 UYB
Tripoli UK Member #9527 LSMR