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  #3   Report Post  
Old January 15th 05, 10:35 PM
Posts: n/a

WHen I got it home, everything in the display lights
up, but only sqigially lines where the numbers go.
Pressing all the buttons does nothing. I can not even
hear static. I can power it off and on however.

Have you tried lowering the squelch to see if you can "hear static?" Also,
the lines in question may simply be the display. ADI and Alinco radios
often have this problem. It could be the display is too cold and as a
result a bunch of gibberish is displayed. Also, this may occur when there
is a loose connection in the display unit.

I have an ADI AR-247 that does this EVERY time I turn the unit on. A couple
quick flicks with the finger on the display and it seems to straighten up.

Just some thoughts.