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Old January 10th 05, 03:31 PM
Airy R.Bean
Posts: n/a

Whatever you say about your K2, it is a proprietary design,
and thus no different from the YaesKenIcom products, and
therefore is off-the-shelf

The essence of Ham Radio is that we produce and maintain
our own designs and are not beholden to any commercial
operation that has its sights set on the shekels.

I'm not interested in a comparison with commercial gear. The
idea is to design a transceiver that is easily reproducible by
beginners, and which is future-proofed by having the
interface between stages well-specified so that you could,
for example, substitute your own mixing stages.

"gb" wrote in message
"Airy R.Bean" wrote in message
I'm not proposing anything like that. I don't know
anything about the K2.
You seem to have missed the point somewhat, if your
thoughts go straight to what you can buy off the shelf.

Not "off the shelf" product. I am very surprised that you are unaware of
Elecraft (founded in 1998) by Wayne Burdick (N6KR) and Eric Swartz (WA6HHQ).
They are the design team dedicated to "hands-on" ham radio transceivers and
accessories that can easily be built by amateurs.

I don't follow URL's from Usenet - it is a bad debating style
to send your correspondents off to do reading. if you have
something of value to say, then please say it yourself.

I guess you do not read hobby print magazine or had a contact with an
Elecraft user.
Elecraft (and its concept) of building and reparing your won equipment has
been widely covered in amateur print magazines in Europe, Far East and US.

Debating is not the point and usenet is not the forum for true debate.
Compare your stated specifications and criteria to the Elecraft K2 design
team's criteria and specs --- you shoudl discover that it meets the majority
of your stated criteria.

"Airy R. Bean" wrote in message
... that we club together and conceive of a design
for an HF transceiver that could form the basis of the
station of any budding Radio Ham.

We wouldn't need any facilities other than were present in,
say, the KW2000 of 35 years ago (apart from greater than
200 kHz coverage on each band!)

None of the CBer's facilities such as scanners, memories,
CAT interfaces, CTCSS and the like are necessary.

I suggest that we consider a DSP approach for all the
baseband mod and demod, and then phasing techniques
for translating into the various bands.

A power output of 5W will be more than sufficient for
any self-respecting _REAL_ Radio Hams - it is only
CBers and CBers-Masquerading-As-Radio-Hams who
need to work with BBC levels of signal strength.

Such a project could be what we need to capture the
interest of newcomers who would not then be sidetracked
into the CB-like purchasing of brand-new rigs from the
shelves of emporia, and, having, constructed their own
rigs, would feel competent to maintain those rigs, unlike
those who send them back to the emporia and thus show
themselves as closet CBers.

We _COULD_ take a lead in this NG!

... and your thoughts on the existing Elecraft K2 (which meetings you

output criteria), which has almost 5,000 kits of this model now sold

Do you desire to build upon this kit and building experience (referred to

"K3" designs among Elecraft builders) by adding additional features you

