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Old January 10th 05, 08:17 PM
David Edmonds
Posts: n/a

Airy R.Bean wrote:

Whatever you say about your K2, it is a proprietary design,
and thus no different from the YaesKenIcom products, and
therefore is off-the-shelf

Yes - but it isn't a propreitary design - it's simply been put together
by a group of radio amateurs and there is scope within the kits to do
your own modifications - making it way way different from the commercial
far-eastern models.

The essence of Ham Radio is that we produce and maintain
our own designs and are not beholden to any commercial
operation that has its sights set on the shekels.

Whatever you say.

I'm not interested in a comparison with commercial gear. The
idea is to design a transceiver that is easily reproducible by
beginners, and which is future-proofed by having the
interface between stages well-specified so that you could,
for example, substitute your own mixing stages.

But, why not move with the times and include an element of computer
control and computer based audio filtering rather then re-inventing the

As I've said before, apart from the DSP, I and other radio amateurs have
radios here that match your criteria, so why should we bother?
