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Old January 11th 05, 03:09 PM
Dr. Anton T. Squeegee
Posts: n/a

In article , lenover21 says...

Ahem...Boeing is not necessarily a good source for wire bundles
that are "safe." See the NTSB report on the air liner that blew up
just outside of NYC over the bay...especially the part investigating
wire bundles going through a fuselange gas tank.

I never claimed they were perfect. I was using my experiences and
observations as a supporting point.

On the other hand, military avionics has used waxed nylon cord
(usually dyed black) and made under a MIL SPEC since the 1950s,
prinicipally because it was a neat, cheap way to bundle up wires
that were not otherwise clamped together.

I have no doubt that the military came up with some sort of lacing
machine. ;-)

I bought a package of 100 Ty-Raps at DoItCenters couple months ago
to hold up an outside planter's drip irrigation tubing to an aluminum
awning. Tubing is very soft, about 1/4" diameter. 8-inch tie wraps,
standard white nylon material. No problem. No stoppages, no
damages, but didn't try to put a full arm's strength into completing the
tie. :-).

snip remainder

The reference to 'fragile' coaxial cables was made in regards to
the Teflon-jacketed stuff in use in aircraft, not conventional RG8 or
others. I should have clarified that a bit.

It was found that some types of insulation (notably Kapton) show a
greater sensitivity to arcing if they have been nicked or scored, even
slightly. Ty-wraps, if not properly used, are more likely to do this
than lacing, especially in a vibration environment. This is why they are
not generally favored for aircraft wire bundles.

While I agree that neatness was certainly one of the reasons, it
was not the only one.

I would be most interested to hear what anyone working in CURRENT
wire design on aircraft has to say about the subject.

Keep the peace(es).

Dr. Anton T. Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute.
(Known to some as Bruce Lane, ARS KC7GR,
kyrrin (a/t) bluefeathertech[d=o=t]calm --
"If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped
with surreal ports?"