Thread: ATU capacitors?
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Old January 14th 05, 02:44 PM
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On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 22:13:37 -0000, "Brian Reay"

Part of the problem is that people will respond to his rudeness, if you
can't ignore it kill file him. He does it to disrupt the group and he can
only do so IF WE LET HIM. If we don't let him he can't disrupt the group.
Standard behaviour management.

Very good points.

Having posted what appears to be on the surface a technical item
regarding the construction of capacitors for an ATU, it seems that
Bean has done no calculations whatsoever regarding the design.

Even simple back-of-the-envelope calculations would have pointed up
the the critical areas of component performance, which, together with
an appraisal of the limitations of his chosen resources, may have led
to a more realistic redesign. OTOH it may have indicated or confirmed
the correctness of his original approach. But we'll never know.

But did he respond accordingly? Instead of being an interesting
technical discussion, it has become yet another stick with which to
beat selected responders - the 'gentlemanly traditions' disappearing,
if they ever surfaced at all, very rapidly. One is left with the
strong impression that the original posting wasn't meant to be a
technical discussion at all, and another poster's comment elsewhere
about 'the cycle repeats' appears very apposite.

I note that you have already mentioned what could well be the achilles
heel of Bean's choice of components, and one which I was trying to
gently steer him to in my initial contribution. But it seems that it
is more fun to wield the stick rather than undertake any real design
studies. Ah well.
Aero Spike