I realize in multiband use, the mismatch will vary so there is not a whole
lot you can do except put the tuner at the junction of the antenna and line.
So, why isn't that the "normal" way to handle the problem?
Radio K4ia
Craig "Buck"
Bacause it is "up there" where it is hard to reach, mostly matter of
convenience. In normal situations it is more convenient to tune things in the
Personally, I always try to have my antennas to match the coax, to avoid
losses, high SWR on the lines. You can design antennas to have 50 ohms or you
can find 50 ohms impedance on the antenna and use antenna to be the "matching
device". K7GCO has be advocating to feed the Yagis off center at 50 ohm point.
Contesters care about every watt of loss and try to minimize it. Every fraction
of dB counts.
Casual hams care mostly about 1:1 at the TX connector so the system
coax-antenna "looks good" to the transmitter. Few dBs don't matter.
Yuri, K3BU