Mechanical scanners?
On 07/10/2017 19:35, Graham. wrote:
On Sat, 7 Oct 2017 12:14:00 +0100, Gareth's Downstairs Computer
coalesced the vapors
of human experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension...
On 07/10/2017 12:12, Gareth's Downstairs Computer wrote:
Dabbling as I am with horologyÂ* at the moment, I
wonder if there were any mechanical scanners, other
than those which successively activated Ledex switches?
What I am thinking might have been, is a pendulum
or platform escapement slowly advancing a tuning condenser.
PS. Even clockwork toy trains had the means to engage
reverse when reaching the end of travel.
I had a Regonda Symphony radiogram that did that, and was able to
automatically stop on a station by monitoring the AGC voltage.
That's very interesting. Did you have to wind up the clockwork, or
was it electrically powered?