Ham Talk Live!
Episode 102 - Recognizing our Young Hams with AE5DW
Posted: 15 Feb 2018 06:20 PM PST
Don Wilbanks, AE5DW is back, and we will be talking about all kinds of ways
our young hams are being recognized... scholarships, awards, and of course
the big one... the Bill Pasternak Memorial Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham
of the Year Award. We will down great things for great young hams!
Be sure to CALL in with your questions and comments by calling
812-NET-HAM-1 live during the show, or by Skype. Our username is
hamtalklive. You can also tweet your questions before or during the show to
Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year:
www.arnewsline.org, click on
ARRL Scholarships closed January 31
FAR Scholarships due by April 30
Young Ham Lends a Hand award
ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim award - by March 31
Dave Kalter Youth DX Adventure
http://qsl.net/n6jrl Deadline Feb 28
This posting includes a media file:
http://api.spreaker.com/download/epi...th_ae5dw. mp3