On Sat, 24 Mar 2018 22:23:46 -0700, allisellis851 wrote:
+AD4 Guten Morgen, T'is Sunday now, T'is. Fresh news from
www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/3642244/posts ... Q Anon:
+AD4 (3/24/18) FRiendly Freeper Collaboration ...More fresh news at
+AD4 y'alls buddy jimstone.is Omnibus Funding Bill Contains Sabotage
+AD4 Buried Under A Mountain Of Chaff, Way To Go Trump+ACE
What difference does it make, anyway? Congress doesn't want to fund the
stupid Great Wall of +ACI-TRUMP+ACI, so The Great Man will simply get the
Mexicans to pay for it, right?
The people who think The Magnificent +ACI-TRUMP+ACI is free to spend the money
as he pleases are having yet another K00Kdream. TM+ACI-T+ACI, right now, is
only a couple of handfuls of ****ed-off Congressmen away from an
impeachment trial.
I wonder if the K00Ks will say after The Great Man has followed the
omnibus bill as if were a REAL OFFICIAL BUDGET. They'll promote The
Stable Genius' 3D chess to 4D chess. Nah, they won't even comment.
Cheeto Jesus, indeed.