Thread: Hamfests?
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Old May 2nd 04, 06:47 PM
Dr. Anton T. Squeegee
Posts: n/a

In article . net,

Hamfests in recent years seem to have become less and less Amateur
Radio, and more and more showcases for crippled trashed out computers,
7-generation-old software, Blockbuster-reject video tapes, and
constantly yammering raffles.


I disagree. I've been (and continue to go) to several hamfests a
year. Although I have noticed some of the degradation you describe, each
hamfest/swap seems to differ depending on the area it happens in.

Examples: The two major Bay Area (California) swap meets, those
put on monthly by LARK and ASVARO, generally have a high content of
computer hardware and associated items. Granted, much of it is "trashed
out," but there are still Good Things to be found if one is sharp-eyed,
observant, and a good haggler.

Going further north and west: Once you get into Oregon and
Washington, the character of the ham swaps changes drastically, becoming
much more radio and test equipment oriented. I bought both of my service
monitors from vendors at local (to me -- Puget Sound region) swaps, and
I continue, every year, to see lots of assorted radios, both commercial
and made-for-amateur, and some good deals in test gear IN ADDITION TO
the assortments of computer and other goodies.

Anyway... With that said, let's move on to your poll.

So here's a poll ----

Would you travel 2-hours to support a hamfest which strictly limited
itself to Amateur Radio material (new/used rigs, raw components,
connectors, antennas, Amateur Radio software, radio clubs, radio
retailers, VE sessions, ham radio forums, etc.) and prohibited sales of
non-Amateur Radio items.


___ B. I like the current hamfests, but I'd support one like you
describe too.

This one is my response. I've also seen cases where a couple of
the ham swaps have been "contaminated" by people selling utterly
unrelated-to-any-electronics-field items, such as stuffed animals and
(God help us) Mary Kay cosmetics. The best possible way to handle such
intrusions is to, simply, vote with your wallet and IGNORE THEM. If such
sellers fail to make money from a given venue, they will no longer set
up at it.

I would add that, at least once a year, I make a scrounge run back
to the Bay Area (I grew up there). I never fail to come back with less
than 100 or so pounds of useful goodies as a result.

SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT! I have listings on my web site for some
hamfests, and many of the electronic surplus places, on my web site.
Start with the page:

...And work forward from there.

Keep the peace(es).

Dr. Anton T. Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute.
(Known to some as Bruce Lane, ARS KC7GR,
kyrrin (a/t) bluefeathertech[d=o=t]calm --
"If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped
with surreal ports?"